
Grouping :
Tax income rises over 50% in 5 months on year

Tax income rises over 50% in 5 months on year

Over $6b of taxes collected in 5 months

Over $6b of taxes collected in 5 months

Tax income up 65% in 4 months on year

Tax income up 65% in 4 months on year

Annual tax income stands at over $12.7b

Annual tax income stands at over $12.7b

H1 tax revenues rise 62% year on year

H1 tax revenues rise 62% year on year

Russia to raise tax on metals producers in 2022 – Putin

Russia to raise tax on metals producers in 2022 – Putin

Regulations for tax on houses, luxury cars to be announced soon

Nearly 200,000 houses to be taxed under vacancy tax law

17% Rise in Departure Tax Revenues