Date: 27 September 2015 ، the watch 00:00
News ID: 12

Alba hosts delegation from ESSEC and FABS, Bahrain

Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C (Alba), one of leading national companies in Bahrain received on September 17, 2015 a delegation comprising key members of ESSEC Business School and French Arabian Business School (FABS), Bahrain.
Alba hosts delegation from ESSEC and FABS, Bahrain

The occasion was to honour Alba employees who recently graduated from the Alba sponsored 18-month MBA programme - offered by FABS, Bahrain in partnership with the ESSEC Business School, one of Europe’s leading business schools.


ESSEC Business School was represented by its Dean, ESSEC Executive Education, Prof. Thomas Jean Jean, and Professor, Management Department, Dr. Cédomir Nestorovic, while FABS was represented by its Director Dr. Karim Said along with Samia Abdel Khalek, Coordinator for FABS.


HE the Ambassador of France, M. Bernard Régnauld-Fabre and French Cultural Attaché to the Kingdom of Bahrain, Dominique Chastres were special guests of honour at this event, which was attended by Alba’s Executive Management and managers.


Speaking at the occasion, Alba’s Chief Executive Officer, Tim Murray said:

“At Alba, we believe that education is the key foundation for any successful company. As one of the leading employers in Bahrain, it is part of our strategy to develop future leaders through sponsored education and higher studies which will enable them to compete in a global business environment.”

source: Alba Bahrain