Date: 17 August 2019 ، the watch 23:27
News ID: 6016

Iranian oil minister mocks Trump’s claim on Middle East oil

Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh mocked US President Donald Trump’s claim that his country does not need Middle East oil and natural gas “anymore”.
Iranian oil minister mocks Trump’s claim on Middle East oil

“The US is right! The Middle East oil needs them (the Americans),” said Zanganeh, ironically, speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a cabinet session in Tehran on Wednesday, Tasnim News Agency reported.

“I mean, some oil-rich countries in the Middle East need the US more than it needs them,” Zanganeh added.

The oil minister added that given its rate of shale oil extraction, Washington does not need the Middle East oil but it does import crude.

Trump on Tuesday visited Shell’s soon-to-be completed Pennsylvania Petrochemicals Complex, which will turn the area’s vast natural gas deposits into plastics.

Trump said his administration was “restoring the glory of American manufacturing” and making the nation energy independent.

“We don’t need it from the Middle East anymore,” Trump said of oil and natural gas, adding that the plant’s union employees were “the backbone of this country,” sparking chants of USA from the plant’s workers.

source: Iran Daily