Date: 05 September 2019 ، the watch 14:21
News ID: 6302

Alcoa And United Steelworkers Reach Tentative Agreement On New Labor Contract

Pittsburgh aluminium pioneer Alcoa Corporation announced a tentative accord with United Steelworkers over a four-year labor contract covering about 1,700 workers at five plants throughout the United States.
Alcoa And United Steelworkers Reach Tentative Agreement On New Labor Contract

No details were released by either the firm or the union, but the USW said it would send delegates from the negotiating committees into the field to brief local chapters on the particulars of the proposed agreement.

The tentative agreement must still undergo a vote of the individual union members, which the USW says will occur once all chapters have been briefed on the plan

Alcoa notes that the proposed contract is the result of extensive negotiations between the two parties. The existing contract ended in mid-May, the firm noted, but the USW agreed to continue working under the terms of the now-expired contract until negotiations for a new agreement could be completed.

USW International President Tom Conway commented upon the tenor of the contract negotiations with Alcoa in a press release.

“We came to the table months ago prepared to negotiate in good faith for a fair contract, but management made us fight for it every step of the way. We are proud of what we have accomplished due to the unity, strength and solidarity of local union leaders, members and Contract Action Teams.”

Michael Milsap, USW District 7 Director and chief negotiator of the proposed contract, said the negotiation committee urges the membership to agree to the proposed deal.

“The proposed contract builds on decades of collective bargaining progress with hard-fought economic and non-economic improvements. Our members have earned and deserve fair wages, benefits and working conditions.”

Alcoa’s Warrick Operations houses the lion’s share of laborers who would be employed under the agreement. The remainder are employed at Massena Operations in New York, Gum Springs in Arkansas, Wenatchee Works in Washington, and Point Comfort in Texas.