Tags - Chinese Steel Mills
Australia’s Fortescue Metals Group Ltd nearly doubled its cash on hand in the third quarter after buoyant prices and a move into premium products raised the prices it received for its iron ore.
News ID: 7144    Publish Date : 2019/10/25

The average discount that Australian iron ore exporter Fortescue Metals receives across all its iron ore types to the 62pc Fe benchmark narrowed during July-September, as Chinese steel mills focused on raw material costs to try to lift their production margins.
News ID: 6961    Publish Date : 2019/10/24

SteelMint in conversation with market participants learned that Chinese mills have lowered inquiries for pellets and high grade ore amid shrinking steel margins. Indian participants were expecting market sentiments to remain optimistic after Chinese Lunar New Year holidays, however the scenario has not remained similar now.
News ID: 3935    Publish Date : 2019/03/10