Date: 27 April 2022 ، 03:43
News ID: 10688

President Raeisi urges increasing role of private sector in Iran’s foreign trade

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi called for the employment of the private sector’s capacities in the efforts to expand trade relations with regional countries.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi called for the employment of the private sector’s capacities in the efforts to expand trade relations with regional countries.
In a meeting of the cabinet on Wednesday, Raisi described as favorable the status of Iran’s foreign trade considering a report from the Economy Ministry about the opportunities and challenges that Iran is facing in its trade with regional countries.

He also stressed the need to seize the available opportunities and take advantage of the private sector’s capacities in the promotion of foreign trade.

Raisi further instructed the first vice president to set up a committee to determine the problems and obstacles to foreign trade and look for solutions immediately.

Last week, a deputy economy minister said the value of Iran’s trade exchanges with fifteen neighboring states in the previous Iranian year (ended on March 20) stood at around $52 billion, showing a 43% increase compared to a year earlier.
Iran's top five export destinations among the 15 neighbors in the previous year included Iraq, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

Source: ICCIMA